Louisiana Children's Museum

Tuesday, October 20th from 7 – 10 p.m. Louisiana Children’s Museum

Join the Energy Industry in Southeast Louisiana and the Geophysical Community from around the world in New Orleans for the 2015 SEG International Convention for an Evening supporting the Louisiana Children’s Museum.


Event Sponsors

PIPE 2015 Sponsors: OCS BBS Website, SOGS, LLOG Exploration, Diversified Well Logging, Stone Energy, SPE International, Women's Energy Network, PIPE.

Join the Energy Industry in Southeast Louisiana and the Geophysical Community from around the world in New Orleans for the 2015 SEG International Convention for an Evening supporting the Louisiana Children’s Museum.

Things to do: Live music, food and bar.

Interested in Being an Event Sponsor? Contact Us Today!

Title Sponsor – $1000 – Leading Name on All Flyers and Posters, Recognition at Event, and Opportunity to Address the Audience; 10 Tickets to the Event
Gold Sponsor – $500 – Name on All Flyers and Posters, Recognition at Event; 5 Tickets to the Event
Silver Sponsor – $250 – Recognition at Event; 2 Tickets to the Event
Individual Tickets – $50 in advance, $65 at the Door

Sign up for the event or sponsorship at www.SGS-NewOrleans.org or send a check to SGS at P.O. Box 57141, New Orleans, LA 70157

100% of all Proceeds Dedicated to the Louisiana Children’s Museum

PIPE (Petroleum Industry Promoting Education) is a collaborative effort among the petroleum industry societies, corporations and the education community to support efforts that advance educational efforts in Southeast Louisiana.

For more information please contact Eric Zimmermann at ericz@llog.com, Loretta Arcenaux lorettaa@llog.com, or Julius Doruelo at julius_doruelo@yahoo.com

API-Delta Chapter

P.O. Box 50110
New Orleans, LA 70150

Serving The Greater New Orleans Oil and Gas Community