ASM/NACE Science Camp -Teachers June 22, 2009 UNO ME

Teachers: Attend Free One-Week Training June 22rd Through 26th, 2009 at ASM Materials Camp for Science, Math and Technology School Teachers in New Orleans

WHAT: To attend an ASM MATERIALS CAMP-Teachers
WHEN: June 22rd – 26th, 2009
WHERE: University of New Orleans Mechanical Engineering
WHY: To “EXCITE YOUNG PEOPLE” in science and math. We will show you how to use low cost / no cost, simple labs and experiments using everyday materials, that can be integrated into your existing lesson plans to actively engage students in applied science.

MEALS: Snacks (morning and afternoon) and lunches will be provided.
APPLICATION: Available thru ASM Materials Education Foundation website: Click on “EDUCATORS”
ELIGIBLE TEACHERS: High School teachers (public, private, independent) in math, science, art and technology. (Middle School Teachers may be accepted)
SCHEDULE: This is a full day (8:00 to 5:00 PM) 5-day long workshop. (Note: Possibility of late afternoon/evening in the event of fieldtrips scheduled.)
CEUs: Four (4) Continuing Education Units will be provided
GRADUATE CREDITS: Two (2) semester credits through the University of Washington (Seattle) available. (Registration fee is less than $200).
FACULTY: Primary faculty are two experienced high school “Master Teachers” who have taught materials science courses for many years and helped develop this innovative approach to hands-on learning of applied science principles.
SPONSORS: NACE INTERNATIONAL, The Corrosion Society, ASM International The Materials Society Education Foundation, and University of New Orleans.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Charlie Speed or Jeane Deatherage,; 1-800-336-5152, ext. 5533; or visit the ASM Foundation website at

API-Delta Chapter

P.O. Box 50110
New Orleans, LA 70150

Serving The Greater New Orleans Oil and Gas Community