Two students standing in front of a board with awards.

Information for Teachers

If you are interested in exposing your students to science and improving their reasoning skills, participating in the Greater New Orleans Science and Engineering Fair (GNOSEF) is a great place to start! The GNOSEF provides students with an opportunity to explore the exciting world of science and engineering and to meet other students who have similar interests. The GNOSEF is a great way of meeting some of the objectives outlined by many curriculum specialists!

When and Where

The 2018 GNOSEF is scheduled for February 26-28, March 1, with location still to be confirmed.

Important Dates and Deadlines for 2017-18

August 26           Teacher Workshop and Kickoff
October 9           School Affiliation Forms Due
October 13         Submit Projects requiring Pre-Approval to SRC
December 4      All Pre-Approvals Must be Completed
January 26         Project Registration/Document Deadline
February 9          All Project Documents Must be Approved
Feb 26-28, Mar 1          GNOSEF
March 2               Registration Deadline for State Fair
March 19-21       LA Science and Engineering Fair
May 13-18          International Science and Engr. Fair (ISEF)     Pittsburg, PA

Finalists in each division (Junior and Senior) from each regional fair will be eligible to compete at the Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair in Baton Rouge at Louisiana State University (LSU) March 19-21, 2018.

Two more students standing in front of a board with awards.

API-Delta Chapter

P.O. Box 50110
New Orleans, LA 70150

Serving The Greater New Orleans Oil and Gas Community