API, along with other industry societes participating with PIPE, sponsored the 2007 BLaST competition. The event was held at J. D. Meisler school in Metairie. The competition consisted of teamwork presentation, design presentation, research presentation and actual robot challenge. It was amazing to see these 9-14 year olds spend their Saturday like this! The entire event, including the oil industry keynote speech, was videoed. You will be able to view the video at https://lafll.tulane.edu/ once it is posted. Art Johnson did a great job of conveying the message we wanted to get across – the oil industry is a great place to work, great for the community, and great for the economy. And Mike Fein rallied the crowd with Tshirt give aways! Hopefully some individuals were enlightened of possible career opportunities within the oil industry!
The banners BLaST prepared for its sponsors were in full display and will also be displayed at the Regional competition in March. All of our logos were on the Volunteer shirts and our names were on the ditty bags.
I want to especially thank those that participated in the event – volunteers, referees and judges. The BLaST organization is still sending accolades our way. Hopefully, not leaving anyone out, (if I have please let me know), thanks to:
members of Desk & Derrick: > Patricia Netherland > Shelly Gisevius > Johanna Lae > Mary Beth Brinkman > Karen Ohlsson & daughter Theresa Ohlsson > Lisa Ingraham – who did an awesome of emceeing the entire competition!
COPAS Tom Hays – Judge Barbara Giangrosso – Referee
NOGS – Art Johnson and Mike Fein – great job on the speech and keeping up the crowds enthusiasm!
SPE/Schlumberger – Walt Navoy – judge
Schlumberger – Eddie Lazo
API – Bernadette Alaniz – judge, Tom Jones – referee
API/SPE – Jan Catalano
API/Shell – Jahnette deBlanc
OCSBBS – Ben Waring